receive ongoing support as parenting questions and challenges arise
schedule a biweekly or monthly televideo check-in
get your questions answered via email or text
stay on top of your parenting game!
available with a minimum of two single sessions
1-hour consultation per month - $125
Rates effective March 1, 2025

Single Parent Support Session: Are you struggling with how to deal with your child's tantrums, hitting, or not listening? Have an in-depth discussion with Mariko to understand the 'why' behind your child's behavior. You'll walk away with specific strategies to reduce your frustration and the challenging behavior.

"Mini" Session: Do you have a question about one particular topic/situation? Get your question answered in this 30-minute session. Common challenges addressed with the "Mini" Package: stuck with potty training, big kid "acting out" with a new baby, help with morning or bedtime routine.

Success Starter Package: A good place to start when you don't know where to start. Mariko will provide you with specific strategies during each session, and this package will allow you to have your follow-up questions answered and ongoing coaching and support as you need it. (*most popular package)

"Mini" Package: Life as a parent is busy and you're always on the go! If you have a quick question and would benefit from brief check-ins as things come up, this might be the right package for you. Common challenges addressed with the "Mini" Package: follow-up to toilet training, starting a new situation (e.g., daycare, school), adjusting to a new baby, how to respond to new behaviors.

Skill Master Package: Behavior change takes time. Imagine receiving a detailed plan that is tailored to your child and your parenting style, and having ongoing follow-up support as you need it! Common challenges addressed with the Skill Master Package: tantrums, aggression, refusal/defiance, sleep challenges, long-term toileting challenges.

Looking to get grandparents and other caregivers on the same page? Or host a Wednesday wine night with your mom friends? Group sessions can be a fun and beneficial way to support your parenting village. Group sessions are ideal for 5-10 people to ensure everyone gets their questions answered. Package starts at $250/hour.
Have questions?
Schedule a FREE 15-minute call.
“Mariko has been my champion and shown time after time that she genuinely cares about my success by checking in on me and helping adjust things to set me up for success. She’s given me the tools I need for everyday survival with a toddler and the confidence to parent my son the best I can.”
— N.P.